Adding a Movie Room to your House this Winter?

Category: Our Blog

One of the current trends in home additions is the media or movie room. With the advent of large screen televisions and projectors, many families are opting for dedicated rooms for movie viewing. However, the addition of all this new equipment will impact on your homeowners insurance. MA residents who make substantial purchases may need to increase their coverage to protect their new investment.

Your movie room can be as simple or as high tech as your budget will allow. You could just adapt an existing guest room by installing a large screen television, a surround sound system, a big couch and a bar fridge for handy sodas. 

Then again, if you have a bigger budget to play with, you could have a ceiling mounted projector, a smart sound system, recliner seats for everyone, soundproofing so that people in the rest of the house don’t have to hear the movie if they don’t want to, and a refrigerator.

You need to regard this addition to your home as a serious investment in the property. It is adding appeal to the house that may show in the price you achieve if you decide to sell in years to come. Any renovation that adds to the replacement cost of your home, or results in the purchase of major equipment for the house, means you need to review your homeowners insurance. MA residents should call for information and quotes to upgrade their homeowners’ policies.


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